Treatment as unique as you are.



The scale of mood can be wide, complicated and overwhelming. Depression, anxiety, mania are often all indicators that something is off or wrong. Exploratory treatment can help alleviate symptoms and gain control.


Traumas, big or small, acute or complex impact all areas of our lives. It can leave us without a narrative or explanation, without control and with a litany of symptoms that make life so difficult. Careful, neurobiological-based understand can help support integration of trauma into a meaningful, safe life.

Unresolved Childhood Experiences

While it may be a shorter period of our lives, childhood sets up the rest of it. Understanding the developmental milestones and needs for our younger selves helps us come to terms with who we are today—and why. Neglect, abuse, or complicated family relationships can continue to impact our day to day, and therapy can help move towards resolution and your modern self.

LGBT/ TGNB Identity

You could be dealing with issues related to coming out, exploring your sexuality or gender, or trying to understand your relationship to queerness. Or, your issues could have nothing to do with your queerness and you just want someone who gets it. Either way, having a therapist trained and with lived experiences help create an environment of community and safety. 


Addiction can take so many forms—sex, drugs, gambling, alcohol, you name it. It rewires our systems and leaves our neurobiology confused and craving more. The questions of why the addiction, why is it ‘helping’, and how to heal while taking into account our communities and our physical body work heal the full picture—not just the symptom or the substance.

Men’s Relational Health

Let’s face it—emotions, relationship, vulnerability and connecting with pain…not really encouraged for most men. Therapy that understands the sociocultural expectations of men, the way men have learned to relate to other and deal with emotions supports a place to move towards an embodied confidence.

Kevin is an enthusiastic, empathetic clinician who never just "phones it in" with clients. I frequently seek out Kevin's consultation in matters of group dynamics, sexuality, and more. I highly recommend working or consulting with Kevin.

— KB, Mental Health Counselor

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